How Much Does Couples Therapy Cost in Illinois?

how much does couple therapy cost

Takeaway: Couples therapy can help you and your partner navigate all kinds of different relationship challenges. But how much is couples therapy? And how do you know if it’s right for you? We’ll cover all that and more in this blog post.

Factors that influence the cost of couples counseling

If you and your partner are considering working with a marriage counselor, chances are you want to know how much it will cost before diving in. Unfortunately, the answer isn't as straightforward as you may hope.

There are several different factors that play into couples counseling costs. Plus, most marriage counselors set their own rates, so there's no way to know for sure what you'll end up paying unless you confirm each therapist's rates directly with them.

When trying to wrap your mind around this, it can be helpful to understand the different factors a marriage counselor considers when setting their fee. Here are some examples.

Type of services provided

If you're new to therapy, you might assume that all forms of marriage counseling are created equal. However, that's not the case. Some couples therapy sessions may be 45 minutes long, while others may be 60 minutes.

Plus, some therapists offer couples therapy workshops or groups that are usually charged at a different rate than traditional marriage counseling sessions. Since all of these services vary in time, intensity, and depth, you can expect to pay varying amounts depending on the kind of sessions you're engaging in.

Clinician's experience and training

Even if you stick to "regular" marriage counseling, your couples counselor may use certain methods that require specialized training, such as the Gottman method or Imago relationship therapy. Since these techniques require further education, therapists who provide them might charge more.

Therapists with certain credentials might have higher session fees, too. For example, clinical psychologists have doctoral degrees while most other couples counselors, such as marriage and family therapists, have a master's degree.

Logistical factors

Certain logistics also influence overall marriage counseling costs. The length of time you spend in therapy is one logistical factor that can significantly impact how much you spend on couples counseling.

In-person vs. online therapy could also have an effect on the price. The therapy sessions may cost the same, but commuting to an in-person appointment and arranging for childcare while you're in session can add up over time.


Where you live also has a direct impact on marriage counseling costs. Typically, urban areas have a higher cost of living than rural areas. This usually means that a marriage counselor in a city will have higher rates than a marriage counselor in a small town.

At the same time, cities often have more access to programs that provide free and low-cost therapy, so this isn't always a definitive rule.

Average couples therapy cost in Illinois

cost of couples counselling

Having a deeper understanding of the factors that influence the cost of couples counseling can be helpful. But how much does couples counseling actually cost in Illinois?

Again, it's difficult to say for sure how much you will pay for therapy since the rates can vary so widely. However, having some general figures to go off can give you a better sense of what to expect.

We took a look at marriage counseling rates across the state and took averages of 25 couples therapists in each city to help you estimate your potential investment.

Average cost of a couples counseling session in Chicago $176
Average cost of a couples counseling session in Aurora $156
Average cost of a couples counseling session in Joliet $151
Average cost of a couples counseling session in Naperville $174
Average cost of a couples counseling session in Rockford $141

Remember, these are averages. Your marriage therapist may charge more or less than the figures above.

How to know if the cost of couples therapy is worth it for you and your partner

But is marriage counseling worth the cost? It depends. Deciding whether to start marriage counseling is a highly personal choice. It's ultimately up to your and your partner to decide if the investment is worth it for you both.

However, if you're struggling to decide, take a look at these indicators below. If they resonate with you, we recommend considering couples counseling.

You seem to have the same fights over and over.

Many couples get stuck in certain patterns, often arguing about the same topic or behavior over and over again. If you and your partner have reached an impasse on a certain issue or can't seem to resolve a particular conflict, marriage counseling can help.

Your couples therapist will act as a sounding board and offer their professional guidance to help you both work through whatever is keeping you stuck. Plus, you'll learn skills to help you navigate conflict resolution in a healthy, constructive way.

how much is couples counseling

You're having challenges with intimacy.

Are you and your partner struggling to connect in the bedroom? Maybe there's a discrepancy between levels of desire, or it just feels like you aren't connected in the same way.

Oftentimes, there are unresolved emotional issues that contribute to these challenges with intimacy. In marriage counseling, you and your partner can get to the root of these problems and find new ways to connect.

You're both equally invested in working things out.

Relationship counseling works best when both parties are equally invested in the process. You don't have to agree about everything (most couples don't!) but it's important that you're both open to giving couples counseling a fair shot.

In addition to attending regular sessions, you both should be prepared to put in the work outside of session as well. This will help you get the most out of your time in therapy.

When to hold off on investing in couples therapy

It's not always the right time for couples counseling, and that's completely okay. Here are some signs that you might want to hold off for now.

You're dealing with safety concerns.

When one or both partners feels emotionally, physically, or psychologically unsafe in the relationship, it can be difficult to make progress.

Some couples therapists specialize in supporting couples who are struggling with interpersonal violence. However, many therapists recommend establishing a sense of safety before starting the process.

If you or someone you know is unsafe, you can contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or visit their website.

One partner isn't ready to commit to the process.

As we mentioned earlier, it's important that both partners are ready to commit to the marriage counseling process. Otherwise, it'll be difficult to make much headway toward your goals.

In the meantime, you could consider individual therapy. Research shows that it can be effective in improving relationships, and it can provide you with much-needed mental health support if you're going through a difficult time with your partner.

Logistical factors prevent you from attending regular sessions.

Sometimes, both partners are eager to try couples therapy but simply can't make it work. The demands of everyday life, like busy work schedules or trying to line up childcare, can prevent couples from being able to attend regular sessions.

In these situations, online couples counseling can often make it easier to attend sessions. However, if you still can't swing it, you could consider investing in a couples retreat or even something as simple as a couples therapy workbook.

See what couples therapy can do for your relationship.

couple therapy cost

If you and your partner are ready to invest in the marriage counseling process, we're here to help. Our clinicians offer both in-person couples counseling in Chicago as well as virtual couples counseling to people throughout the state of Illinois.

As a boutique therapy group, we're dedicated to providing high-quality care in a warm, welcoming environment, whether you're meeting us at our office or from the comfort of your own home.

We invite you to contact us to request your complimentary consultation and learn more about how we can help. We look forward to connecting with you!


How Much Does a Therapist Cost in Illinois?


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