How Much Does a Therapist Cost in Illinois?

how much does a therapist cost in illinois

Takeaway: Logistics, including cost, are an important factor when making decisions about therapy. In this blog post, we break down the average cost of a therapist in Illinois and explain the factors that play into a therapist’s fee so you can make an informed choice about your mental health care. 

Factors that influence the cost of therapy

The cost of mental health services isn't always straightforward. This can be confusing and frustrating for people who are seeking therapy and want to make an informed decision.

At the same time, understanding the factors that influence the cost of therapy can give insight into why it varies. Here's a look at some of the main elements that determine how much therapy costs in Illinois (and elsewhere).


Location is one of the main factors that affects the price of therapy. Like other services, mental health care often costs more in areas with a higher cost of living. For example, you're likely to pay more per therapy session in a major city like Chicago than in a more rural area.

Type of therapy

The modality that your therapist uses can also influence therapy cost. Some approaches, like EMDR therapy, require special training that goes beyond what a clinician learns in graduate school. As a result, these specialists may charge more than therapists with a more general approach.


Private practice therapists tend to charge more than therapists who work at community mental health clinics. Therapists who work in private practice are able to set their own rates, whereas most clinicians who are employed by community mental health agencies are paid a set salary that's based on public funding.

Clinician's experience and credentials

A therapist who's been in the field for years and accrued a significant amount of professional experience will likely have a higher session fee than a pre-licensed therapist who's fresh out of graduate school. Similarly, therapists with a doctoral degree, such as clinical psychologists, may charge more because of their higher level of education.

Duration of treatment

While the length of your time in treatment doesn't impact the cost per therapy session, it will influence how much you end up paying overall. For example, if you attend weekly therapy sessions for six months, you'll pay less than if you meet with a therapist weekly for a year.

Average cost of therapy in Illinois

Understanding the factors that influence the cost of therapy can be helpful, but it doesn't tell you what one can actually expect to pay per session.

While there's no singular answer to the question of how much therapy costs, it can still be useful to see some figures as a starting point.

This study from Simple Practice, an electronic health record system for therapists, shows median therapy session rates for therapists across the country.

Diagnostic evaluation/assessment $120
60-minute therapy session $107
45-minute therapy session $76

But how does this compare to the rate of therapy sessions in Illinois? Here's a look at the numbers based on averages from 25 local therapists in each city.

Average cost of a therapy session in Chicago $145
Average cost of a therapy session in Aurora $153
Average cost of a therapy session in Joliet $141
Average cost of a therapy session in Naperville $168
Average cost of a therapy session in Rockford $141

Keep in mind that these numbers are averages, and your therapist may end up charging more or less than these rates.

Paying for a therapist in Illinois

You have options when it comes to paying for your mental health care. Here are some of the main ways to cover the cost of therapy.

Free or low-cost mental health resources

Cost can be a significant barrier for people to get the support they need. If this resonates with you, consider looking into resources that can help you pay for therapy. Some private practice therapists offer sliding scale fees for those who qualify, and certain mental health agencies may have funding available for people who need it.

You can also look into free therapy resources, typically offered by affinity organizations. One example is Sista Afya, which offers no-cost therapy for Black women in the Chicagoland area and beyond.

Health insurance benefits

Many people also opt to use their mental health benefits to pay for therapy. All plans are required to cover therapy, but we still recommend contacting your insurance company to understand what your out-of-pocket costs might be.

At SG Therapy Group, we work directly with a number of health insurance companies to make therapy as accessible as possible. Currently, we can bill Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and UnitedHealthcare plans. However, if you have a different insurance provider, we can still work with you through your out-of-network benefits—more on that below.

Out-of-network benefits

All insurance plans come with out-of-network benefits. This allows you to work with whichever mental health professional you prefer, even if they don't work directly with your insurance company.

Often, these benefits provide reimbursement for a significant portion of therapy costs: sometimes up to 80%. We encourage you to contact your insurance company for more information about your out-of-network mental health coverage.

Private pay

Paying for therapy out of pocket (also called private pay) gives you the most flexibility with your mental health care. You get full control over which therapist you want to work with, the frequency of your sessions, and more. At the same time, this is the most expensive option and isn't financially feasible for everyone.

The value of investing in your mental health

how much does a therapist cost in illinois

Therapy is a significant investment of your time, energy, and other resources. It's also completely worth it. Here are a few reasons to consider taking the next step.

Improve psychological and physical symptoms

Research shows that therapy can help improve a wide range of different mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, and more.

Plus, you can also benefit from talk therapy even if you don't have a formal mental health diagnosis. The same study shows that therapy sessions can improve symptoms of physical health issues like fibromyalgia and even IBS.

Heal from traumatic experiences

Traumatic experiences can deeply impact our emotions, relationships, and how we view the world. Thankfully, there are many evidence-based therapy options to help you heal.

Whether you choose to work with an EMDR therapist or want to try a different approach like brainspotting or cognitive processing therapy (CPT), therapy can help you process your experience and improve your quality of life.

Improve your relationships

Relationships are a major part of anyone's life. Working with a couples therapist can help you and your partner work through your challenges and feel closer than ever.

Even if you're not in a relationship, individual therapy can help you improve your relationships with friends, family members, and yourself. You'll learn more about your patterns and find new ways to connect with people.

how much does a therapist cost in illinois

Our Illinois therapists can help you live an authentic, fulfilling life.

Ready to make the investment into your mental health? We're here to support you. Our boutique therapy group offers intentional, high-quality care for relationship issues, trauma, and various mental health conditions. We look forward to hearing from you and supporting you!


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