The Power of the Human Touch

In a world taken over by screens and technology, much of our communication has shifted from in-person to virtual; leaving the impact of human touch largely overlooked. Human touch can have an immense impact on our mental and physical health as well as our relationships. There are many aspects of self-care we’re able to have control over but we’re not able to provide for ourselves the benefits that come from human touch. 

There is a deeply-rooted biological significance to why human touch is so important. When engaging in physical touch, the hormone oxytocin is released. Oxytocin is associated with positive emotions such as happiness, attraction, and comfort. It also plays a vital role in building trust, managing stress, building relationships, and forming long-term emotional attachments. Meaningful touch has also been linked to lower stress levels and reduced anxiety. Below are 5 significant impacts of human touch. 

  1. Emotional Regulation and Mental Health

    Physical touch has the ability to decrease anxiety and depression. Hugs, fist bumps, handshakes, or simply a pat on the back communicates understanding, warmth and kindness. It lets the person know you’re present, interested and engaged in your interaction. Physical touch also increases our serotonin levels which is a neurotransmitter in our brains that makes us feel calm and elevates our overall mood. 

  2. Physical Health

    When you engage in human touch, such as hugging or holding hands, it helps to regulate your nervous system. 

    • Boost your immune system

    • Lower your blood pressure and heart rate

    • Relieve pain

    • Relax muscles and relieve tension

    • Balance your nervous system

  3. Development

    From the day we’re born we’re hardwired to seek out physical contact. Touch and skin-to-skin contact is necessary for humans’ physical and emotional development. Out of all five senses, touch is the first sense to develop and is one of the first ways we learn to soothe ourselves. As we grow, the need for physical touch changes but continues to be a vital part of healthy development.  

  4. Building and Strengthening Relationships

    Touch allows us to express ourselves and convey our emotions without having to use words. It’s a way to build trust and connection, allowing us to build and grow both romantic and platonic relationships. Think about the last time you hugged someone - maybe it was a parent, child, friend, or coworker. Without having to say a word, you conveyed a level of closeness that demonstrated how you feel about that person. Physical touch also plays a pivotal role in cultivating intimacy and closeness with a romantic partner. 

  5. Cultural and Social Connection

    While the significance and type of touch varies across cultures and religions, the importance of touch remains constant. It allows us to communicate with each other despite potential language or cultural barriers. Hugs, handshakes, and kisses on the cheek are all ways of communicating respect and appreciation. They speak to shared experiences, social connection and acknowledgment of cultural norms.

A lack of physical touch can have a negative impact on our overall health. With the absence of human touch comes decreased levels of serotonin and oxytocin. This can lead to an increase in anxiety, stress and depression. When we experience stress our body releases cortisol, a hormone that worsens our immune system, increases our heart rate and blood pressure as well as muscle tension. We may also experience a disruption in our sleep and feelings of loneliness or social isolation.

As you can see, human touch is incredibly powerful. It speaks to our biological need to seek out connection and the pivotal role it plays in shaping our experiences. As we continue to navigate a world that overlooks the importance of human touch, it’s up to each of us to create these opportunities for connection.

Reaching out to a therapist opens the door for an additional source of connection and relationship building. Our mental, physical and emotional health will thank us.

Sydney Gideon, LCSW

About the Author

Sydney Gideon, LCSW is a clinical social worker specializing in trauma & PTSD, anxiety, depression, and adjustment disorder. She incorporates EMDR, CBT, and Trauma-Informed Therapy into her treatment. Read more about Sydney here.


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